Fluorescently labeled brain sections

LaMP Training Faculty

A Wealth of Knowledge

The LaMP community at UC Davis includes a large group of productive, well funded and collaborative faculty members with a strong history of mentoring pre-doctoral students. They are listed by research area of interest: Cognitive, Systems/Behavior, Cell/Molecular.

New faculty with an interest in training are welcome to apply. 


Eliza Bliss-Moreau | Comparative and translational affective neuroscience

Erie Boorman I Decision making and reinforcement    

Audrey Fan | Neuroimaging of neurodegenerative disorders

Joy Geng | Visual attention

Simona Ghetti | Development of memory

Amanda Guyer | Biological, cognitive and social-emotional aspects of human development during adolescence

Wilsaan Joiner | Human sensory integration, motor learning and control

Steven Luck | Basic and translational cognitive neuroscience of attention and working memory

Charan Ranganath | Imaging, electrocephalography, electrical brain stimulation

Susan Rivera | Developmental cognitive neuroscience, developmental disorders

Julie Schweitzer | Neurodevelopment, impulsivity, child psychopathology, neuroimaging

Marjorie Solomon | Clinical psychiatry 

Johanna Swartz | Brain development; stress and stress-related psychopathology 

Andrew Yonelinas I Memory disorders and recognition

Jie Zheng |  Neural mechanisms of memory and emotion

Systems / Behavior

Melissa Bauman | Animal models of neurodevelopmental and neuropyschiatric disorders

Xiaomo Chen | Neural mechanisms of goal driven behavior

William DeBello | Learned behaviors and encoding within the brain

Brittany Dugger | Neuropathology 

Diasynou Fioravante | Mechanisms of synaptic function and plasticity in mammalian microcircuits

Andrew Fox | Translational affective neuroscience

Gene Gurkoff | Neuromodulation to restore cognition following brain injury

Timothy Hanks | Neural mechanisms of decision making and working memory

Leah Krubitzer | Comparative neuroscience

Nigel Pedersen | Epilepsy and seizures 

Gregg Recanzone | Cortical perception of auditory signals

Brian Trainor | Behavioral neuroscience

Jennifer Whistler I Neuropsychiatric disease and addiction

Brian Wiltgen I Neurobiology of learning and memory

Yang K. Xiang | Neuropharmacology

Cell / Molecular

Amy Brooks-Kayal | Epilepsy mechanisms 

Elva Diaz | Molecular mechanisms of excitatory synapse development, function and plasticity in the CNS

Kyle Fink | Genetically-linked neurodevelopmental disorders and diseases of aging

John Gray I Synaptic plasticity and development

Johannes Hell  | Postsynaptic signaling and regulation of calcium channels and glutamate receptors

Pamela Lein | Neuropharmacology and neurotoxicology

Veronica Martinez-Cerdeno | Role of stem cells in the development, evolution and pathogenesis of the cortex, pathology of ASD

Alex Nord I Gene regulatory control in the brain

David Olson | Small molecule regulation of learning and memory

Michael Rogawski Neuropharmacology, translational neuroscience

David Segal | Targeted genome engineering to understand neurologic diseases

Martine Therrien | Neuroimmunology

Kostas Zarbalis |  Forebrain neurodevelopment

Karen Zito I Synaptic plasticity and development


Mark Goldman | Computational neuroscience

Rishidev Chaudhuri | Computational, systems and cognitive neuroscience