Samuel Petshow

Sam Petshow

Position Title
Graduate Student

  • Biochemisty, Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology Graduate Group
  • Major Professor: Karen Zito

Research Description

My long-term goalsas a researcher areto understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in learningandmemoryand to determine how theyare altered in age-related neurodegenerative diseases. I am fascinated by the intricate cellular and molecular processes required in the development of the mammalian brain, and the new technologies used to investigate them. For graduate research project, I will seek to understand the mechanisms by which Ephexin5 regulates dendritic spine plasticity and contributes to Alzheimer’s disease.

Education and Degree(s)
  • B.S. Biology Oregon State University -2015
Honors and Awards
  • Learning, Memory and Plasticity (LaMP) T32 2021-2022
  • Training Program in Molecular and Cellular Biology T32 2019-2021